Mobile Auto Electrician | BMW Specialist | BMW Coding | BMW FRM Repair | ECU Repair | ECU Replacement |BCM Repair | Immobiliser Repair | Instrument Cluster Repair
Immobiliser repair | Body Control Module Repair | Instrument Cluster Repair | Car key Programming
Car Immobiliser Repair | CAS | FRM | Footwell | EZS | ELV | EIS | Programming | Coding | Key Fob Programming | Body Control Module Replacement | Instrument Cluster Repair. | Auto Locksmith for Audi, BMW, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Cobra, Delphi, Fiat, Ford, GM, Honda, Hyundai, Jaguar, Jeep, Kia, Landrover, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Mercedes Benz, Nissan, Opel, Porsche, Renault, Seat, Skoda, Volvo and VW.

Mercedes Immobiliser System
Car Immobiliser System
An immobiliser is a vehicles' security system. It is installed in every new vehicle to prevent theft. This electronic device works with an Engine Control Module, Body Control Module and Steering Control Module, but some manufacturers have added ABS in this security devices group. The immobiliser system comprises a black ring around the ignition where the key blade goes, called "Signal Reciever", that receives the complete information through radio signals from the car key transponder and transfer to the Immobiliser device. The immobiliser sends the information to the security group of the electronics components. If the key transponder information is correct, the driver will start the car. Let me explain to you that sometimes the key fob battery goes flat, and the central locking system does not work in this situation and use the key blade to open the door and start the car.
Car Remote Control / Car Key Fob
The key fob comprises two parts, one that starts the car and controls the central locking the other part start the vehicle. Please be aware that if the fob is locking and unlocking the vehicle, it does not mean that the immobiliser is not activated if the car does not start. The immobiliser can let you go into the car but not allow you to run the engine.
Where is the immobiliser located?
Every car manufacturer has its system like BMW has a box under the steering. Mercedes has an EIS/EZS that is a different system again under the steering. Many manufacturers control their security system through Body Control modules that can be under the glove box. VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda, and Porsche immobiliser works through their Instrument Clusters.
Therefore, as it is a Vehicle Security System, an Auto Locksmith requires a Vehicle Security Licence to obtain the security codes. All the Automotive locksmiths or electronics engineers who work with the security system are registered; if not, it is illegal to work on a vehicle's security system.
Nowadays, vehicle manufacturers are cautious, and they have started their Online system. Whoever wants to register on their Portals has to pay for the specific training and fulfil the necessary legal requirements.
As an auto locksmith, we Auto Electrician Hayes Ltd. has a membership of these portals; Mercedes, BMW, Audi, VW, Seat, Skoda, Jaguar, Land Rover, Ford, Citroen Peugeot, Fiat, Toyota and Honda. We have access to all the security system's information, including wiring diagrams, to repair the vehicle security system. For more information please contact us.